The average cost of installing solar panels has dropped by half since 2010, and a new solar electric system is now installed somewhere in the United States every four minutes.

More and more people are discovering that the price is right for solar power. They’re installing panels on their homes in record numbers, and saving thousands of dollars on their electricity bills in the process. In many ways, it’s clean energy’s time to shine.

The Price Is Right For Solar

The Beginning of a Solar Revolution

Now that solar is cheaper than ever, the solar industry is expected to double in size almost every year for the next few years.

The Price Is Right For Solar

Looking at the growth of solar, you can see that it shot up like a rocket in 2010, and has continued to grow ever since. What caused this massive growth?

  1. Supportive policies from the Obama administration, like the Residential Renewable Energy Tax Credit and the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act made solar affordable for many homeowners.
  2. China started subsidizing their solar panel manufacturing industry and scaling it up, so solar panels got really cheap, really quickly.

Getting Started Is Easy

Programs like the Residential Renewable Energy Tax Credit help you save up to 65% off the cost of a solar power install, but only if you qualify. The easiest way to find out if you qualify is to get a free quote, and one of our solar specialists will review your options and determine what incentives and rebates are available.